
Ādaži Equestrian Sports Club
Ādaži, Horses, Sport club

BMX Ādaži
BMX track, Kadaga

Boards You
Boat trips, Carnikava, Paddle boards, Team building

Boating in the Gauja
Ādaži, Boat trips, SUP rental

Carnikava Equestrian Society

Carnikava Local History Center
Carnikava, Fishing traditions, Local History Centre

Carnikava Promenade
Carnikava, Promenade, Walking trail

Carnikava’s wooden boats
Carnikava, Celebrations, Leisure boat

Children’s entertainment park “Sapņu Zeme”
Ādaži, Celebrations, Entertainment park

Cycling route Ādaži – Āņi
Ādaži - Āņi, Cycling Route

Cycling route Ādaži – Atari
Ādaži - Atari, Cycling Route

Cycling route Ādaži – Divezeri
Ādaži - Divezeri, Cycling Route

Cycling route Ādaži – Iļķene
Ādaži - Iļķene, Cycling Route

Cycling route Ādaži – Leiputrija
Cycling Route, Iļķene

Cycling route Ādaži – Lielais Baltezers
Baltezers, Cycling Route

Cycling route Ādaži – Mazais Baltezers
Baltezers, Cycling Route

Disc golf park “Zibeņi”
Carnikava parish, Disc golf

Dzīvo Sapņu dārzs (Garden of living dreams)
Ādaži, Mini Zoo

E-FOIL Ādaži
Ādaži, Motorized surfboard

Garciems wooden walking trail
Garciems, Nature park, Walking trail

Gauja Promenade in Carnikava
Carnikava, Walking trail

Ādaži, embankment, Geenway

Guide Aleksejs Sergējevs

Guide Jānis Zariņš

Guide Sigurds Rusmanis
Carnikava, Guide

HIWake wakepark and SUP rental
Siguļi, SUP rental, Wakeboard

Horse Stable “Ekvi”

Lake Pulksteņezers (Clock Lake)

Camper parking, Camping, Iļķene, Sauna


Nature Park ” Piejūra”
Nature park

Outdoor exercise machines in Adazi
Ādaži, Outdoor exercises

Padel Adazi
Ādaži, Padel Tennis

Ādaži, Wakeboard

Pump Track Ādaži
Ādaži, Cycling Route

Rado Wake
Ādaži, Wakeboard

Sailing in Adazi
Ādaži, SUP rental

SPA Pelikāns
Kalngale, SPA

Stud farm “Erceni”

Stud farm “Poči”

Swimming pool

Tennis Centre Ādaži
Ādaži, Tennis centre

Vējupe and it’s waterfront
Beach, Swimming area

Virtal Realm
Ādaži, Ādaži, Celebrations, Karaoke, Virtual Reality

VR Ādaži
Ādaži, Virtual Reality

Walking path along the Gauja-Baltezers Canal
Disc golf park “Zibeņi”
Carnikava parish, Disc golf
Disc golf is an outdoor sport where the player must throw a flying disc into a special basket in the fewest number of attempts possible. The baskets tend to be so far from the shooting platform that you often can’t even see them. 18 baskets are installed in “Zibeņi” territory. The path to each basket starts from the starting square, but in “Zibeņi” obstacles – trees and terrain – make the game more interesting. In disc golf, not only the power and technique of the throw is important, but also the chosen strategy, making the right choice in avoiding obstacles.
Disk rental is not available on the sight.
FB: https://www.facebook.com/diskugolfszibeni